Heating • Underfloor heating
- Underfloor heating is an efficient and discreet heating method that involves integrating heating cables or hot water pipes beneath the floor covering. This technique allows for uniform heating of the room from the floor to the ceiling, providing optimal thermal comfort.
- Underfloor heating is widely used because it frees up wall space and eliminates the need for visible radiators. This heating solution also offers even heat distribution, thereby reducing energy losses and heating costs.
29 elements
- 314.51 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001270
- 352.42 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001271
- 392.33 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001272
- 107.12 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001261
- 143.75 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001263
- 151.36 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001264
- 163.26 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001265
- 181.56 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001266
- 203.17 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001267
- 99.28 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001260
- 273.50 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001269
- 433.46 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001273
- 242.19 €
- VAT Excluded
- DIMA0001268