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Addressable module Dali - 2, 2 channels Addressable module Dali - 2, 2 channels

Addressable module Dali - 2, 2 channels

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829.38 € 
1,003.55 € 
0.0100 € 
0.0121 € 
Niko Niko

The DALI-2 fully addressable 2-channel interface module allows up to 128 DALI endpoints to be connected to a Niko Home Control installation. Addressing and programming of the DALI devices is done from within the Niko Home Control programming software, and䔷⓶Ȁ耀Socket outlet with pin earthing and shutters. This socket outlet has a flush-mounting depth of 28.5 mm and is equipped with screw terminals and claw fixing. Includes finishing set. A faceplate in the colour of your choice must be ordeRed separately. Finis䓮Ⓙ̀鰀ᷨ濱᷈濱̐኉磨໢￿￿ᶨ濱傘໢￿￿ᶌ濱ᵨ濱ᵔ濱᧰濱ᵄ濱ᴈ濱᳜濱᳌濱᲼濱Ი濱ᱸ濱᱈濱ᰴ濱ᰘ濱ᰄ濱᯴濱ᯠ濱ᯐ濱᮸濱ᮨ濱ᮔ濱ᮀ濱᭬濱᭘濱ᭀ濱ᬰ濱ᬠ濱ᬌ濱᫰濱᫠濱᫐濱ᫀ濱 篨໢ₜ濱঵䬈ዙ￿￿A疬ዠ筘໢￿￿猘໢￿￿㨠ወ�໪ኵ㠠໰祈໢￿￿즰໪ዠ๤໣঴໣״໣䒥╈Ѐ鰀ᷨ濱᷈濱䊸໢￿￿ᶨ濱䄈໢￿￿ᶌ濱ᵨ濱ᵔ濱᧰濱ᵄ濱ᴈ濱᳜濱᳌濱᲼濱Ი濱ᱸ濱᱈濱ᰴ濱ᰘ濱ᰄ濱᯴濱ᯠ濱ᯐ濱᮸濱ᮨ濱ᮔ濱ᮀ濱᭬濱᭘濱ᭀ濱ᬰ濱ᬠ濱ᬌ濱᫰濱᫠濱᫐濱ᫀ濱㾸໢ₜ濱য়塚ኵ￿￿A㈀㌀佈໢￿￿䒘໢￿￿蕸໿.環ᗨ仨໢￿￿쯸໪໷䐜┑Ԁ鰀ᷨ濱᷈濱熘໢￿￿ᶨ濱䆘໢￿￿ᶌ濱ᵨ濱ᵔ濱᧰濱ᵄ濱ᴈ濱᳜濱᳌濱᲼濱Ი濱ᱸ濱᱈濱ᰴ濱ᰘ濱ᰄ濱᯴濱ᯠ濱ᯐ濱᮸濱ᮨ濱ᮔ濱ᮀ濱᭬濱᭘濱ᭀ濱ᬰ濱ᬠ濱ᬌ濱᫰濱᫠濱᫐濱ᫀ濱䔨໢ₜ濱৞￿￿a䌘໢￿￿哨໬￿￿
1 x Recupel small electrical installation material and home automation =< 50cm : 0.0121 €ATI